Negative energy….

IMG_00001076Well I did it! Went to my Mum’s surprise birthday party last night and did it sober style. Woke up this morning clear headed and sober ready to tackle day 20 🙂 Wasn’t without its difficulties though…. had a massively busy day which was stressful. Reminder to myself…..never be the organiser of a surprise party again! Now I’m thinking about it, I don’t think I had any major cravings to drink yesterday. I mean, it was always in the back of my mind how natural and nice it would be to enjoy a glass of wine, but it didn’t affect me like it did a few days ago, when my whole body craved a drink. It was more a sort of fleeting feeling and then it went away. Which is good…..I can handle that better. I think the more sober days I have under my belt the more there is to lose for me. I don’t have the “maybe I will drink tonight” feeling anymore. In the early days, and in an early post I talked about actually planning on drinking one evening…..leaving the choice down to fate. Whether my sister came home with a bottle or not. Luckily for me she didn’t and the choice was out of my hands. I feel that now, I don’t have the internal battle of whether or not I want to continue on the sober journey. I have kind of come to terms with the fact that this is my life for the foreseeable future. Now I just deal with the day to day practicalities of actually BEING sober. And believe it or not, I think that is slightly easier.

The actual meal part of the evening last night wasn’t bad at all. Everyone was drinking around me, but I didn’t stand out at all as there were so many distractions that no body even noticed I was sipping a soft drink. When I was asked I just responded that I was driving and making sure everyone got home ok. After the meal I had arranged for everyone to come back to my Mum’s house for drinks and music…..general birthday merriment! This is where is became a little awkward for me.

My sister who has known for a while that I’ve laid off the booze knew I wasn’t drinking last night. But as soon as she had a few drinks in her she kind of turned a little bitter and nasty even, towards me. I was upset to be honest, and it made me feel really self conscious. Now, I am aware that she was pretty drunk herself as her, my friend from London we bought down with us and my aunt had been drinking A LOT of wine at the meal. And I would like to think that she didn’t mean to hurt my feelings or make me feel bad, but that is exactly what she did. It was just little comments like “oh you’re such a boring bitch without a drink!”. I used the fact that I was the only sober adult present to look out for everyone and make sure nobody did anything too wild. So when I politely suggested at gone midnight that it probably wouldn’t be the best idea to vandalise the “for sale” sign outside our neighbours house, I was greeted by a chorus of “Ohhhhhhh god! Loosen up….just because your SOBER!!!” The word sober was spat as if it was something atrocious. It would have sounded just as horrible of they had shouted “Ohhhhhhh god! Loosen up….just because you’re a MURDERER!” It was spoken like being sober was something disgusting and socially unacceptable.  I honestly didn’t expect to get that reaction. And it only got worse the drunker people got. And I thought it would be the other way around. I assumed that as people slid into wine induced joviality nobody would give me a second thought.

I don’t really know what to do with how I feel about people’s reaction. As I have said before, I’m pretty well known in my family for being a massive drinker, so maybe it was just a surprise to see me sober at a party. My auntie actually said “gosh… just doesn’t seem right you not drinking with us”. I’m going to have to just hope that it becomes normality for the people around me too, so I don’t have to deal with the negativity. I have enough of that for myself.

Now this next little thought process is going to seem so self righteous…..but I noticed last night that drunk people are idiots! This will seem a little “you can bloody talk!” coming from me but it’s true. I know I only have 20 days sobriety, and I am in no place to pass judgement on people after my behaviour a lot of times, but I felt so annoyed with people last night! You literally can’t make a logical point to a Pissed person. It’s like sense and reason goes out of the window. They were playing fun drinking games, but some of the things that were being said and laughed at were so outrageous. I kept thinking I was so glad I wasn’t the one humiliating myself for a change. I had the luxury of ferrying people home, checking into the hotel I booked for my friend, my sister and myself and finally relaxing. While everyone else passed out for a restless and drunken sleep, I put my pj’s on, had a hot shower, made a cup of tea and watched a film. I woke up this morning and felt great. Physically great anyway. I still felt a little upset about the stick I got last night but I’m kind of over that now. Everyone else on the other hand………look and feel joke crap ha ha! I shouldn’t laugh, but I feel that this is karma for being mean to me last night 😉

Well I just read this back and it’s quite rambling so sorry about that. I’m going to go make myself lunch now as everyone else is having a hungover nap…..! I’ll leave you with a picture of the birthday cake…..and if they sleep much longer this bad boy is getting cut by ME mwaahaaahaaaa! (that was my evil laugh by the way)

Happy Saturday xxxIMG_00001084


Big girl pants!

Day 16 and I have pulled up my “Big girl pants” and been pro active! I have been having a mini meltdown since this journey began about an event I have on Friday. It’s my amazing mum’s 50th birthday and myself and my sisters have organised a surprise birthday meal and party to celebrate. It’s going to be a great evening. We have managed to get the whole family together in the same place at the same time (which is an achievement in itself!) I have a beautiful custom made cake on order, we have handpicked some gorgeous and special presents for her and booked the function room in our favourite pub restaurant. Decorations are ordered and everything is planned down to the last detail. Well……almost.

It’s no secret to anyone that I am a big drinker. My whole family know I love to drink and play crazy drinking games and can be the life and soul of the party. So how the hell am I going to dodge the minefield of sipping a diet coke on a massive occasion such as this??!

I have invited a close friend of mine to come on the promise of a weekend away in Wales on the sauce. A non stop weekend party. And then I went ahead and became a “non drinker”. BOO. I could very easily just say “screw it” and drink Friday night. Enjoy a glass of champagne and toast my wonderful mum with my mental but lovely family. I could. But we all know it wouldn’t end there. So I won’t.

So here come the “Big girl pants”! I decided I just have to man up and make a plan. I’m not even going to mention it. I don’t want to draw attention to myself and invite questions. So instead of Drinking a diet coke, in a boring and massively distinguishable SOBER glass (those chunky coke glasses) I have given myself permission to test a few fun soft drink combinations this week 🙂 I went to the supermarket earlier and bought a beautiful big wine glass…..because just because I’m sober doesn’t mean I can’t drink in style! I feel it will help me blend in with everyone else and ward off the “you’re not drinking?? Why??” questions. And loads of different sodas. My fave at 1st try is bitter cranberry. It’s sparkly and has a nice kick to it…..and it’s different.

So rather than just wallow and feel sorry for myself that I won’t be drinking, I’m going to focus on the fact that I will be sober and enjoy the fun. The most important person that night will be my mum. And I know that she would be proud of me for making this decision, wether I feel I can tell her yet or not. 🙂


Awkward explanations….

Well another day has passed soberly…..its 20:10pm and I’ve eaten a delicious (and healthy as I’m not hungover) dinner and am sat with a cup of tea and a book. To be honest today hasn’t been as hard craving wise as the last few days. But harder in other respects.

I’m struggling with how to explain why I’m not drinking anymore. It’s bank holiday weekend and my sister mentioned a week ago myself and her going out for a few cocktails tomorrow night. I of course said “hell yeah defo!”. I actually considered, as I have a thousand times, putting off this “getting sober lark” off until after that night out…..and I reasoned with myself that I could have at least 3 more wine filled evenings on my own that way. But that type of logic is the reason I have spiralled out of control. Because there will ALWAYS be a reason NOT to give up booze. There will always be an occasion, a party, a night out, a booked weekend away, a SOMETHING. So when she got home from work today and wanted to make plans for after we both finish work tomorrow I felt awkward. And bad that I was letting her down on the planned night out. Unlike myself, she doesn’t have many nights out and I knew she was looking forward to it. I also know that I 100% can’t trust myself to go out and NOT drink. It’s only been 4 days sober…..they would have to invent a brand new word for “falling off the wagon”. It would be a fucking disaster!

I haven’t told her that I am actively giving up drinking because I feel I have a major problem. Although I think that deep down she must know. She must see how badly I have behaved whilst drinking. How I’m always the last to bed, the last to leave a party and the 1st to buy wine on the way home and continue drinking. I just feel that if I’m honest and admit it out loud….”I have a drinking problem” I would be so shame filled and there’s no going back then. I feel I need a few months to work this thing through on my own terms 1st.

So my answer when she asked was simply “I don’t really feel like it, but don’t let me stop you….go out with one of your work friends”. And she said “ok then”. Simple as that. Normally she would push me and wonder why I didn’t want to go, and it’s that exact reason why I think she deep down knows I have a problem. But hey…..bullet dodged.

I just am worried that there is going to be a MILLION more questions and wondering why I’m not going out, or drinking. I just don’t think I can trust myself to be out socially in a bar or club at the moment. Which means keeping myself to myself at home away from everyone. I have some fantastic friends and they would probably all understand, but I’m just not ready to tell anyone yet. I guess I will just have to become a pretty good liar……

This seems like quite a negative post, but all in all I have had a pretty good day! Ha ha! Imagine what I sound like when I actually AM miserable eh?! U lucky lot 😉 ha ha
